

Man of the Match honors for the first 4 Matches: PFC Black

Posted by Pelicans FC - Manager on Nov 01 2010 at 07:50AM PDT in October 2010 to March 2011

In PFC Blacks first game of the season (10/3 vs D United) Man of the Match honors went to both Karl Donaldson and Jesse Goss. Teammate Nick Willett speaking about his vote for Jesse Goss, “goal in the first half and a shutout as keeper in the second half, great playing.” Karl earned the same number of votes for his hard work up top and as captain Brian Kirchdoerfer put it, “a clutch goal in the last few minutes to tie the match.” Congrats to both Karl and Jesse!

In the second match of the season (10/10 vs Ole Boys) Man of the Match honors were once again split between two players, Rob Schmid and Spiros Blackburn. Defender Ryan Mellick said, “100% Spiros. He was responsible for almost all offensive movement and locked down the center of the field on defense.” And Jesse Goss had this to say about Rob’s play, “from first minute to last minute played a very solid game.” Well done Spiros and Rob.

The third match of the season saw only 4 players vote so no Man of the Match honors were given out.

The fourth match verse EP Rovers saw the PFC Black squad pull it back to 4-4 behind the strong Man of the Match performance by Spiros Blackburn, earning his second honors on the season. Spiros scored twice in the match to help earn the point. Great job!


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